Herpes Infections

Herpes Infections

Το Medical Art Clinic εφαρμόζει πρωτοποριακές τεχνικές σε κάθε επεμβατική ή μη υπηρεσία προσώπου & σώματος. Ανακαλύψτε περισσότερα σε κάθε υπηρεσία.

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Herpes viruses can affect the oral area, genitals (herpes simplex virus) or appear as herpes zoster. The latter is due to activation of the varicella-zoster virus.

Herpes simplex:

  • Type 1 (HSV-1): The leading cause of cold sores and gingivitis. It appears periodically as small, painful blisters, which go away on their own after a few days. It is highly contagious. Usually, its duration is at most 8 days.
  • Type 2 (HSV-2) is mainly responsible for genital herpes infection. Genital herpes is spread by skin-to-skin contact, usually during sex. The incubation period averages 5 days. Active HSV-2 lesions contain live virus and are infectious. People with recurrent genital herpes shed the virus asymptomatically between outbreaks (asymptomatic transmission). This secretion coincides with multiple anatomical sites (penis, vagina, cervix, and rectum). It can occur through usually apparently intact skin and mucous membranes.

However, type 1 and type 2 can cause infection in any area (skin and mucous membranes). The first episode of herpes simplex (primary herpes infection) is usually characterized by high fever, headache, and painful cervical/inguinal lymphadenitis.

The resulting lesions are multiple and small, break and leave round ulcers in aggregates and usually appear on the gums, tongue, lips, cheeks, or genitals. The duration varies from 10-14 days.

Systemic medication is required. Mild, uncomplicated relapses of the virus do not require treatment. Topical preparations could be more effective. However, oral treatment may be needed to reduce the episode's intensity and duration.

Herpes viruses usually occur after middle age or in people with a weakened immune system.

It presents as painful blisters on a red base, quickly bursting and leaving small sores. Fever, malaise, and headache may precede several days of the rash, which has a typical, zoster-like distribution. It is usually located on the trunk.

Immediate initiation of antiherpetic treatment is necessary.

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