Hyaluronic Acid - FILLERS

Hyaluronic Acid - FILLERS

Το Medical Art Clinic εφαρμόζει πρωτοποριακές τεχνικές σε κάθε επεμβατική ή μη υπηρεσία προσώπου & σώματος. Ανακαλύψτε περισσότερα σε κάθε υπηρεσία.

At Medical Art Clinic, we use cutting-edge invasive or non-invasive procedures for all face and body services. Learn more about our techniques for each service.

It is prepared from a hydrophilic protein, glycosaminoglycan, which naturally exists in our body. It is injected under the skin restoring its volume and structure.

It is mainly used to fill wrinkles on the face and, more specifically, to fill the nasolabial fold (which extends from the base of the nose to the outside of the mouth), to correct deep wrinkles in the middle of the eyebrows, to increase the volume of lips and cheekbones.

It has an immediately visible effect so the patient can decide on the amount of material to be injected.

It is packaged in sterile syringes, usually of 1 ml. Anesthetic cream is used in the area, and with the help of a small needle, the hyaluronic acid is injected within a few minutes (5-10 minutes).

After an hour, a slight erythema and a minor swelling that may be present begin to subside.

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Dr. Gesakis advises

Because the material used is biodegradable by our body, the result lasts 8-12 months.

It would be good to repeat the treatment every 5-6 months. Even our body will not have absorbed the entire material, but this will result in a smaller amount being used and more minor differences in the facial image being observed, thus achieving a more natural result.


Υαλουρονικό Οξύ - FILLERS
