Cutaneous hemangioma

Cutaneous hemangioma

Το Medical Art Clinic εφαρμόζει πρωτοποριακές τεχνικές σε κάθε επεμβατική ή μη υπηρεσία προσώπου & σώματος. Ανακαλύψτε περισσότερα σε κάθε υπηρεσία.

At Medical Art Clinic, we use cutting-edge invasive or non-invasive procedures for all face and body services. Learn more about our techniques for each service.

It is a benign congenital skin tumour which could potentially be an aesthetic concern due to the resulting deformity, especially when it is located on the face.

The lesion is completely flat initially but may become enlarged later. It is red in color and can be found anywhere on the body. The skin marks are reddish in color due to the rupture of blood vessels under the skin and the resulting hyperpigmentation.

The causes remains unknown, but in majority of the cases the main cause are hereditary factors.

This type of hemangioma is usually benign and consists of clusters of dilated capillaries.

They appear anywhere on the body but mainly on the trunk, and their diameter usually does not exceed half a centimeter.

Initially, they are flat, and over time, they may begin to protrude above the surface of the skin.

A dermatologist can easily identify a hemangioma, and a biopsy is rarely needed to confirm the diagnosis. The most common type is cherry hemangioma . It is a benign tumour but experts usually recommend surgical excision any certain cases to avoid trauma and infections.


It can be removed by electrosurgery, cryotherapy or laser.

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