

Το Medical Art Clinic εφαρμόζει πρωτοποριακές τεχνικές σε κάθε επεμβατική ή μη υπηρεσία προσώπου & σώματος. Ανακαλύψτε περισσότερα σε κάθε υπηρεσία.

At Medical Art Clinic, we use cutting-edge invasive or non-invasive procedures for all face and body services. Learn more about our techniques for each service.

Curretage and electrocautery is a treatment that essentially scrapes and burns unwanted lesions from the surface of the skin.

A sharp spoon-shaped disposable instrument/scraper is used. This instrument/scraper gently scrapes superficial skin lesions. With the help of electricity, a local cauterization of the site is performed on the skin's surface.

Common lesions that can be treated with scraping are:

  • Sebaceous keratoses
  • Viral warts
  • Pyogenic granuloma
  • Radiant keratoses
  • Keratoacanthoma

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Το Medical Art Clinic συμβουλεύει

Dr. Gesakis advises

Δερματοχειρουργική CURETTAGE
